gsp Thoughts From A Diva: 9/28/03 - 10/5/03

Thoughts From A Diva

Random images and thoughts from a misplaced Minnesota Diva trying to survive in Wisconsin.

Saturday, October 04, 2003


I am not a Christian. I was raised as a Christian. A Methodist to be precise. My father is a retired Methodist minister.

Several years ago, I started doubting what the bible told me. I found it very difficult to believe that woman is total evil. That we are the "root of all evil".

I believe that Jesus existed. But I don't believe he was anything other than a very intelligent man. He was the son of God, just as I am the daughter of the Goddess.

I believe that we can live as one with the planet, but we don't need to go back to "living only for the land" as some environmentalists believe. We can get oil from Alaska, but we don't need to mow down the forests to do it.

When i was growing up in Oregon, there was a huge dispute between loggers and the Spotted Owl groupies. There should be a way for all of us to get along.

Wait, isn't that what Rodney King said? (Talk about a complete idiot!)

That is why there will be no Christian words spoken at my funeral. And why I will be used to fertilize a cornfield. Everything is a circle. The Circle of Life.


How would you like your funeral performed? Will you have a minister say some things? Will you have someone sing? Will you be buried in your finest? Or will you be cremated?

I will be cremated. Wearing only what I brought with me into this world.

Then, I want my ashes taken out in the middle of a cornfield and tossed to the four winds, while asking the elements to watch over me. I want my friends to have a circle and chant and sing while they raise their voices in praise of Mother Earth.

No one will wear black or dark blue. I want eveyone in the colors of the sunrise. Because this shouldn't be a time of sadness, but a time of transition. I will be moving on to bigger and better things.

This doesn't mean I won't come back to kick some serious ass if my kids cause trouble! Or if someone causes my children trouble.

There will be no Christian services for me. That is another story.

No sadness, just lots of love.

Thursday, October 02, 2003


Sorry I haven't posted much. Spent the evening with my parents.

Now, it seems the pizza I had for dinner has decided it doesn't like my stomach. Or vice versa.

Anyway, I'm headed for the bathroom - again.

Wednesday, October 01, 2003


I said ditties not titties!

Acidman sang a theme song on his site, but it reminded me of this ditty that my other half sings on a regular basis:

Stranded On The Toilet Bowl
What do you do when you're stranded?
Wish for a roll.

Or, what about this one?

It's about time,
It's about space,
It's about time I smack your face!


Rob is a nut
He has a bug butt
Every time he turns around,
He goes Putt! Putt!


Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Favorite Blogs

Currently, these are the the two blogs I read most:


Highly Moody

I read all the blogs on my blogroll at least once (usually twice or three times) a day. But I read those two several times a day.

Mel at Highly Moody always has something fun going on. And Acidman always has something interesting to read. I don't always agree with either of them. But I always know it is going to be interesting.


Sugarmama is talking about bras today. She is fortunate that she can get away with wearing camisoles.

I got my first bra when I was a third grader. It wasn't even a training bra. It was a B cup.

By the time I was in the 6th grade, I was a 36C. You can guess how large I am now, huh?

When I was 13, my mom took me to a specialty shop to buy a bra. They showed me how to put my boobs in the bra correctly and how a bra shoulod fit.

Now, when I go bra shopping, I have to make sure I have at least $40 bucks in my pocket. Minimum for a really good bra.

My daughter is 9 now. Fortunately, she is not developing like I did. Maybe I have a few more years before she has to go through that torture.

I sure hope so.

Hair Color

Drama Queen has been talking about coloring her hair. I color mine all the time.

I have had red hair, black hair, blonde hair, blue hair, green hair, pink hair. Mostly red. Every shade of red.

I have had long hair (past my waist). And I have had really short hair (1/4 inch long).

Right now it is about 3 inches long. Starting to grow it out after being almost shaved by a stupid "beautician". Told her I wanted about 2 inches of blonde taken off so my dark roots showed with blonde tips. She took all the blonde off. My hair was about 1/2 an inch long.

Now, I refuse to go get it cut. Maybe in a few more months. Now that it is cold out, I need it longer. Have to stay warm somehow.


Growing up, I was always an Atlanta Braves fan. Hank Aaron was my hero. As I grew up, and watched more baseball, I still wanted the Braves to win every time.

Then I moved to Minnesota.

Now, I want the Twinkies to win.

And win they are. They beat the Yankees today! Yea!! The Twins were 0-13 at Yankee Stadium going into the series. Now,
we are 1-13.

I would love to see the Cubs go to the Series. Actually, as much as I love the Twins, the best Series would be the Red Sox and the Cubs.

All we can do is wait and see.

Fair Food

I love Oreos, but this is enough to make me sick.

I adore fried cheese curds, but can't imagine fried Oreos, Snicker bars or many other things they have started frying.

Oh yeah, I also like deep fried ice cream. That has been one of my favorite desserts since I was a little girl.

Monday, September 29, 2003


Yes, it is cold here.

Today, our high is supposed to be somewhere in the mid-50's.

Tomorrow, our high will be in the low to mid-40's.


I guess I am going to have to pull out my winter coat. I have been avoiding it. I hate to admit that summer is over and winter is here.

They say it supposed to snow up in the Iron Range tonight. That means snow for us will not be far behind.

I love snow, but I am not ready for it yet. It should still be in the 70's here. Not below freezing every night.

Those of you in Texas and Arizona, think of me in your warm sunshine!