gsp Thoughts From A Diva: 10/14/07 - 10/21/07

Thoughts From A Diva

Random images and thoughts from a misplaced Minnesota Diva trying to survive in Wisconsin.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Catching Up

I feel like I owe you guys an explanation. I have been absent from the blog world for quite some time with just random hits now and then.

I got sick - all that old woman crap, ya know? - anyway, I am feeling much better. I am starting to regain my sense of humor and direction.

After all the hormones I have had to take in the last 3 months, I can understand why people kill. I could have easily become a mass murderer while on those damn things. So glad to be off them.

So, hopefully, posting will start to become a little more regular. If not, you can always check out the school blog. It gets updated a lot more.


I seemed to have lost most of my blogroll. And when I try to contact Blogrolling to find out why I no longer have a blogroll, my email gets bounced back to me.

I guess I will have to start all over.

That sucks.