gsp Thoughts From A Diva: Another Meme

Thoughts From A Diva

Random images and thoughts from a misplaced Minnesota Diva trying to survive in Wisconsin.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Another Meme

Snagged from Dragonbabble

1. RE: Blogrolls - Do you link just because you were linked? Or do you link because you actually read it?

I link because I read. I read every blog on my blogroll at least once a week. Most of them I read every day.

2. RE: Stupid Quizzes: Do you do them? If you do - do you do them because you think they're cute, fun and interesting? Or do you do them because you have absolutely no ideas in your head and have nothing else to blog about and you feel obligated to put something, anything up there?.

I do them because I like doing them. Most of them are a lot of fun. And who knows? One day I might learn something about myself.

3. RE: Other blogs - 5 (or more)blogs that have captured my attentions this week.

1. I Hate My Wife . I am becoming addicted to this one.

2. The Mind of Nee

3. Mom With Attitude.

4. Girlydyke

5. Everything's Jake


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