gsp Thoughts From A Diva: the friday five

Thoughts From A Diva

Random images and thoughts from a misplaced Minnesota Diva trying to survive in Wisconsin.

Friday, June 25, 2004

the friday five

the friday five

What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

We broke down in Fargo and had no way to get home. The water pump went out on the car. It was a week before Christmas. We went into a restaurant to get the kids something to eat and figure out what we were going to do. The waitress asked what was wrong. Next thing we knew, the owner of the restaurant came over and said he was paying for the car to be fixed. And since it would take a few days, he gave us a ride all the home. We lived about 70 miles from Fargo. I will never forget that.

What's the nicest thing you've done for someone else?

I cannot let anyone live on the streets. I have opened my doors for several friends that needed a place to live and get back on their feet.

What one thing do you wish you had done?

Told my friends how much they meant to me.

What is your biggest regret?

That I never really got a chance to properly thank the restaurant owner.

What is your greatest accomplishment?

My children.


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