gsp Thoughts From A Diva: Cats

Thoughts From A Diva

Random images and thoughts from a misplaced Minnesota Diva trying to survive in Wisconsin.

Thursday, June 24, 2004


Norman has a cute post asking about cats. (And I only called it cute to irritate him :))

One of his questions is about naming your cat.

I find that my cats go through several names before I find one that fits.

The two cats I have now had a couple different names before their current ones. Usually it takes about two weeks for me to find a name that sticks.

My older cat was originally called Spike. He actually had that name for quite a while. In the last couple of years, his name has changed to Fat Cat. Just because he is fat.

He is almost pure black with two small white spots. One on his chest and one around where his balls would be if he had any.

My other cat went through too many names to list when he was first born. Now he is called Snotface. You know, from the movie Drop Dead Fred. He fits that name perfectly.

He is a white cat with black ears and tail. He also has a small black spot on his back.

Snotface is my birdkiller, mousecatcher and bunny chaser. He loves to hunt and will spend almost all night outside hunting. He is a true Minnesota kitty. It doesn't matter if it is 20 below outside, he will spend at least some time outside. He hates to be locked up.

Those are my kitties. I love my cats and can't imagine life without them.


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