Friday Five
Gut Rumbles: friday five
1) Have you ever done anything in your life that you REALLY wished you could take back? If so, what was it?
No. To regret something is to regret where and who you are right now.
2) Have you ever been in a situation where you had to choose between your principles and your income? How did you handle that decision?
Yes. I walked away from the job. I left a job that I absolutely loved and I still have dreams about. I miss it greatly, but I would make the same decision again and again.
3) Did you ever do something knowing full well at the time that it was wrong? If so, why did you do it?
Depends on what you mean by wrong. Legally wrong. Several times. Just because I wanted to. Morally wrong? Not by my morals.
4) Name a movie that made you cry (and if you say "I never cried over a movie, you should be dragged off and shot, you heartless shit!)
Lilo & Stitch makes me cry every time.
5) Name three things in your life that you feel OBLIGATED to do that you WOULD NOT DO if you didn't feel that sense of obligation.
1. Grocery shopping. I would eat out every night if I didn't have to feed kids.
2. Live in the same place for more than a few months at a time. I would like to be traveling constantly.
3. Be monogamous. I would not be with just one person if I could get away with it.
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