gsp Thoughts From A Diva: Being A Mom

Thoughts From A Diva

Random images and thoughts from a misplaced Minnesota Diva trying to survive in Wisconsin.

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

Being A Mom

Rachel has a post about how she is so tired. She is a new mom and things are a little stressful for her.

I remember those days. I had two boys in diapers at one time. They are only 14 months apart.

There were a lot of those days I just wanted to walk away from it all, but that sense of 'obligation' made me stay. I am so glad I did. I now have two awesome boys and a beautiful little girl.

There is no other feeling in the world like the one you get when your child sees you and their face lights up.

One of my favorite memories is going to daycare to pick the boys up after a long day. They wouldn't see me come in, and I would get to see them being themselves without a care in the world.

Then they would look up and see me, and their faces would just light up! It always made me all warm and squishy inside.

You know the great thing: to this day, my sons still get that look on their faces.

I love my kids.


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