TV Tuesday (I'm running behind)
I found this via Tommy. TV Tuesday on Wednesday.
1. In the US many stations run "marathons" all day on Monday, many stations have also went to running all weekend marathons of old sitcoms. So question number one is: Did you watch any of the marathons running this year? In part? In whole?
I did watch part of the M*A*S*H marathon on the Hallmark channel.
2. Is there a show you'd like to see run an all day marathon? On the flipside is there a show you'd avoid in marathon?
I would avoid Simpsons, King of The Hill, and most sitcoms.
3. Is there a show/movie/program that brings back special memories for you and what is it?
Not really, no. I guess I am not that big of a TV fan.
~Bonus~ What show featuring those who protect your country (fiction or non-fiction) is your favorite?
This one is easy - M*A*S*H. I have all the DVDs. Even have the movie on DVD.
~Bonus #2~ Out of curiosity, what's the longest you've ever watched TV in one stretch?!
The TV is on almost constantly at our house, so I have no idea.
I'm kind of the same as you. The TV is on in our house a lot, and it drives my husband insane, but it's there more for noise than anything else. While it's "on" for stretches of hours at a time, it's not often that there's two of us in front of it, watching it, for more than half an hour at a time or maybe an hour if we really get sucked in.
I love M*A*S*H too!
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